AEO Certificate – for our trading partners

AEO Certificate – for our trading partners


On 26th January 2010, our company has received the AEO Certificate.
The AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) status is an institution of the Community Customs Code, which was implemented into the legal order of the European Union on 1 January 2008 as an objective of creating secure supply chains and fight against terrorism. AEO Certificate approves a trader to be Authorised Economic Operator ie. privileged entity that has a number of benefits when trading goods. The status of authorised economic operator granted by one Member State is recognised by the other Member States. The AEO certificate provides assurance of respecting the EU laws when making international transactions.
The AEO status refers to those entities that are involved in customs operations, and therefore it includes manufacturers, operators engaged in bonded warehouses, carriers, freight forwarders, importers and exporters. The AEO certificate is a confirmation for both the traders themselves and for their contractors that they are reliable partners for the customs administrations of the European Union. AEO logo, that may be used after the Certificate is granted, is also an information that with such company one can safely conclude all trade agreements, and that it is the best partner for cooperation. Possession of privileged AEO status is an honor of being among economic operators recognized as reliable partners.
It is becoming very common that contractors prefer to work with AEO owners or they demand obtaining such status from their business partners. This results from the fact that the more AEO operators are involved in an international supply chain (ie. entities that are trusted for the Customs), the greater the guarantee of security of movement of the goods in the chain, and therefore the greater the favor of the customs authorities.