Sixth Half Marathon, Bytom 2014

Sixth Half Marathon, Bytom 2014


From year to year, running is becoming more popular.
This kind of active recreation constantly gains increasing number of enthusiasts. It is not only a form of relaxation, but above all an excellent promotion of a healthy lifestyle. At the same time jogging is the discipline that knows no restrictions regarding gender or age, and it can be done practically everywhere.
A growing number of runners causes growing number of organized runs. One of them is organized in our city Bytom Half Marathon, which this year has already had its sixth edition and assembled on the start line a record number of runners – 1300 people from Poland, Germany, England, Italy and Kenya competing on a distance of 21.097m and 10.500m. Obviously, athletes of the Abisal team could not miss such event. Our company was represented by Krzysztof Czekała and Michał Kost. Our journalistic duty demands from us to inform you that this year’s half marathon winners were the representatives of Kenya: Too Silas Kiprono among men and Yadaa Consalater among women. We invite you to get acquainted with a brief photo relation from the event, and to participate in the next, seventh marathon, which will be held on September 20, 2015.


With best sports regards,
see you during the next half marathon!

Abisal Sp. z o.o.